Monday, February 25, 2008

Rawhide: A battle for survival

Yeah after few weeks of long survival battle against rawhide. I finally managed to get hold on it with a stable state. Yeap stable.

Using a propitery graphic cards such as ATI/Nvidia is usally not a good choice if you want to throw yourself up into the hell of unstable distro. (P/S: the blob binary won't be able to catchup with the kernel development for some time).

Yet here I am armed with the latest kernel a binary based distro could offer and the latest xorg.

Of course there are some sacrifies i have to make, first i can no longer continue to depends on gnome/kde desktop envy. Too much applet error is a hassle. So right now switching on fluxbox 1.0.0 which rocks!!

Gnome-setting-daemon and some gnome-apps crash alot. A sigsev error occured in all the latest gstreamer-plugins (bad/good/ugly/base). No time to dwell . Mplayer config caused flip-hebrew error on line 133 (this is not a Jew effect).

So here is my current desktop workspace proudly on Rawhide!

Workspace 1: Netzz

Workspace 2:Artz

Workspace 3: Work Maa (Sorry couldn't display the content since it's work!)

Workspace 4: Multimedia

Once again! I survived Rawhide aftermath.

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