Okay so yet we won again the UITM I-hack. So am I happy? Yeah for a while it's a moment of utopia. You got some few gratitudes from your friends, family and even Mr. Rector feels happy with what you did. Even so, for me all of this are illusion of some fake victory.
So why so serious?
I'm seriously worried since winning I-hack means free ticket to HITB Capture the Flag. And for the past 4 years we couldn't do much hardcore hacking inside the challenge due to our lack understanding itself how to debug or how to use tools like IDA and understanding ASM Codes fluently. I openly admit we sucks at these kind of stuff.
Unlike web hacking (which is easier due to the fact that some sysadmin are very lazy or bad website coders). Reversing codes and crafting exploits require skills and total understanding in asm, C and yeah most important parts the compiler. (maybe not)
You can go for training can't you?
Where,When,Who,How? Excluding the HITB SecConf Training, do i really need to wait once a year to go and then i will learn all this stuff in hands by training? Do i need to go inside the working world and only then i will know how things work? Is there any institution/individuals which provides quick crash course on reversing binary that make sense (not just theory but in hand practice. It took us a lot of time to understand the last 2-3 years CTF daemon , which are not easy since we have to read lot of book on disassembling and we still haven't figure out how to write the exploits properly due to poor understanding or maybe grasping the basic concept.
Our wish
So dear lazy web is there any place/people (exclude the HITB crews since they are untouchable for now) for us to go and learn something so that even if we lose again in the HITB CTF , we like to lose it in a more glamorous/flamboyant manner not by default or tapau hidup.x2
//me currently on the process of learning ret2ret pop n ret ... ala malaysian style
From ,
Script kiddies group who wish to level up .
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