I woke up early in the morning. It damn cold. First thing I did was hail a taxi and go to Jalan Ipoh. Bring a mechanic and starts fixing my car. It's totally borked out. The battery died, the lights goes out and the alarm is goodbye.
Owh well that's the story of the day. So here's some good points on what i had on Day 2:
Wireless Hacking
Well somebody told me this guy is CEH certified. Interesting talk. From my experience. It's not really hacking, it's rather more like tapping. If you are phone line, you tapped the line, If you are using wireless phone line, you tapped the signal and it goes the same to wireless network, You tapped into the network. Tapping doesn`t cost u a dime nor you need proper authenthication.
If you converse using secret language using phone, you can also send encrypted data using wireless network connetion. How the heck u decrypted it depends .
P/S: CEH sucks.
Open Malaysia Part 2
Ditesh presented the story of local involvment in the Open Source devel/RND . The current state of FOSS development inside our country .He also expose "RMS true nature". Some stories how goverment react on OSS . I`m quite sad to see there still a need for "special race" on getting approval on what they are trying to fight for. Yeah a great talk from Ditesh
Lightning Talk and fast
This is the most interesting sessoin of all session.
1. How to hide certain sensitve information
2. Why yum rocks!
3. Jailbreak Ipod
4. Gossip 2.0
5. Cheap way to travel
6. Social Networking stuff.
7. Exploiting Geek
8. Open Hardware and hardwarex2 stuff.
9. Life experience
Barcamp rocks!!
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