Thursday, July 31, 2008

UTP Web Hacking Challenge!!!

When I first came to my Uni. It was a heaven nest for hackers!! Yeah truly it was fun, people exchange ideas/files using the IRC network, super cool project like ultra low bandwith video streaming (it`s not flv) etc3.

But those were the days, where most student loves to dump logs (sql etcx3.) Nowdays our junior only know how to dump babies!

But hey HITB is kind enough to bring the hacking scene inside the campus back!!

Below are the details:

-UTP Open WebHack Challenge
-Mission answer at least 4 out of 10 question in 20 minutes.
-Prizes: You have a chance to win a ticket to HITB SecConf 2008 in October
-Fees: It's damn free
-Time: 10am -3pm
-Location: Building 2 , Level 1 Multimedia Lab 3 (Opensource lab)
-Who can join: Anyone!!!

Note for Utpians:

Mr Ropie had kindly dedicated some of his space to setup a small Web Hacking challenge server for training purpose. It's accesable (internally of course) on this link:

Happy hacking!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fedora 9 Repo Mirror @ V5

With the current state of our network connection in UTP. It took us quite some time , to host back the Repo. Currently we only manage to hosted it on all villages (except V3 i guess).

Instruction for V5 users.

*Only works inside UTP

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fedora Electronic Labs

I think i mention about this awesome spinoff during the Barcamp. If you are interested on either digital/analogue mnano to pico scale hardware design. This is the best distro that covers up all those aspect.

If you already have install Fedora in your system don't worry, all those softwares that availables on the spin is already in the upstream . Hence you can have all those softwares with just yum away. More info coming up soon.

Must read:

Interview FEL Owner
Icarus Verilog Tutorial
GHDL Manual

We don`t need crossover cable anymore**

Starting from Kernel 2.6.2x series or WinXp SP 2 or 3. Crossover cable is irrelevent. Don't believe me? Hook up two rig together using straight cable with manual IP settings. Now you can either ping/rsync/ssh/ftp each other normally.

** On a typical x86 or x86-64 machine . Crossovercable are still needed on SBC/ARM/ . Do take note these features are OS Dependent. (If your OS doesn`t support it won`t work.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Barcamp Day2

I woke up early in the morning. It damn cold. First thing I did was hail a taxi and go to Jalan Ipoh. Bring a mechanic and starts fixing my car. It's totally borked out. The battery died, the lights goes out and the alarm is goodbye.

Owh well that's the story of the day. So here's some good points on what i had on Day 2:

Wireless Hacking

Well somebody told me this guy is CEH certified. Interesting talk. From my experience. It's not really hacking, it's rather more like tapping. If you are phone line, you tapped the line, If you are using wireless phone line, you tapped the signal and it goes the same to wireless network, You tapped into the network. Tapping doesn`t cost u a dime nor you need proper authenthication.

If you converse using secret language using phone, you can also send encrypted data using wireless network connetion. How the heck u decrypted it depends .

P/S: CEH sucks.

Open Malaysia Part 2

Ditesh presented the story of local involvment in the Open Source devel/RND . The current state of FOSS development inside our country .He also expose "RMS true nature". Some stories how goverment react on OSS . I`m quite sad to see there still a need for "special race" on getting approval on what they are trying to fight for. Yeah a great talk from Ditesh

Lightning Talk and fast

This is the most interesting sessoin of all session.

1. How to hide certain sensitve information
2. Why yum rocks!
3. Jailbreak Ipod
4. Gossip 2.0
5. Cheap way to travel
6. Social Networking stuff.
7. Exploiting Geek
8. Open Hardware and hardwarex2 stuff.
9. Life experience


Barcamp rocks!!

Barcamp Malaysia . My experience.

Although by the time i wrote this entry, there`s gonna be ton of similliar posting everywhere on the Net. But i decided to write it on anyway. It's gonna be a very long post.

Day 1.

Woke up damn early in the morning since i need to go from PJ to Puchong fetch the master Kagesenshi . Don't wanna brag but my road instinct in KL doesn`t work properly so we got lost a lil bit and arririved maybe around 9:15 / 9:20 am something .

Arriving on the floor, my first thought this group of people must be a bunch of hackers and geeks . Yeah well it's partially "true" since I always restricted myself with only software/hardware hackers. Not business hackers, math hackers, freelance hackers, social worker hackers . So it's pretty interesting to meet all those kind of people over there sharing their knowledge.

Anyway here's the summary on what I learn on Day 1.

Google Androids:

Nothing to do with actual androids anyway. It`s some sort of platform on building mobile apps. The presenter, Gavin Bonk share his his knowledge on Google Androids development, the limitations , the controversy etcx3.

The OpenMalaysiaBlog

Here is the story of the unsong heroes of Malaysia who fights to protect our country from some sort of ruthless foreing business invasion!! Yoonkit presents an excellent mindmap (or was it roadmap?) how OpenMalaysia Blog got started ,how the reaction from .MY Goverment in Opensource. Yeah how the big company starts lobbying around . Or Kisah seorang tetamu yang tidak tahu malu lagi adab. Yeah I must admit everyone in the crowd agreed that software pattern is bad. There's a mix reaction from the crowd too, some says why bother since you won't get Datukship from doing this or profits anyway. IMHO, this is to ensure the future of country is control by our own wills not other.

Monetizing Youtube

Althought it says youtube actually it was refering to any online video streaming content management on the web. Roni from UerekaLab show us the potential of advertisment directly inside a Video. For example a babes holding an empty can in Video can be "edited" realtime to show that from Malaysia it will shows Yos Soya Bean , in the States maybe Kickapoo. This idea is superb since maybe in the future there won`t be any commercial break to spoilt your day!!.

Entreprenuer and Developer Gangb***g.

Arzumy ,Kris, Khailee and Joel starts talking bout the power of freelancing. How to become a good freelance etcx3. It's an interesting talk, but at the current moment, sadly I haven't got any interest on starting up a business ship yet!.

Well that was the talk that I went during Day 1. Urmph. there's an Internet connection but the speed is as bad as a typical day in UTP. So Kagesenshi (again) setup an IRC server and we start bitchin and critizing around any talks that we found bored. It's damn fun since somone accidently slip out his password i have no idea why. Met Soonyik from UTM who travels very far from south.

Owh yeah at first i dint't really one to camp out in the building. But when i went to the parking lot and found out that my car was fscked up.!! The car batts died in the middle of the city. It so horrible. I got no choice but to stay there .. Damn it stupid car. and maybe silly me.

So yeah i spend the night in the building talking discussing with Doni, Fadhil, Alex and several other peoples. During the night suppose we should wathing Red Line, Somehow even the sexyness of the babes in the movie make us more sleepier. So Doni i think switch up the movie with The Big Bang theory series and we laugh all night until I don`t know .

Suddenly it`s Day 2.. To be continue.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Emptiness strike!

I'm feeling very empty inside. To create an empty file.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fedora Malaysia Mailing list

That's right . Starting this month, Fedora users/contributers (generally in Malaysia) can forward any question/ideas to our mailing list . Further instruction on how to subscribe etcx3 is on the mailing list website.

Hopefully we are going to get some nice feedbacks from Fedora users in Malaysia!