Monday, February 18, 2008

Fedora: Virtualization made easy. with Qemu

The needs to run multiple operating system at the same time is not something that is unsual these days. Rapid developments from hardware layer to software layer need to be tested and simulated to ensure the product to work properly. In iserver enviroment, running multiple virtual operating system from one machine is a common practise.

Virtualization inside our own x86machine is not something so easy to deal with until recently. With massive distribution of Linux a we know what distro, Operating system virtualization begins to come into end user machine (since they desparately need windows for i don't know what). Unfortunely from what i read across most of the forums, this particular distro are so focused on the usage of Vmware and Virtual Box while leaving Qemu behind.

There a lot reasons why we shouldn't use Vmware and Vbox in the first place. The main reason is both software couldn't keep up with the latest kernel developments (from my experience). Also the needs to rebuild the kernel module after each updates is pain . Also have any of this users try running their virtualization at daemon level (instead of running vmware player and virtualbox player in the first place). So with that as my point of argument i left both methods and choose qemu.

Leaving my ramblings outside, let's take the easy step how to administrate qemu usage inside Fedora.

1. Install respective packages

yum install virt-manager qemu kqemu

2. Ensure libvitd is running

service libvirtd start

3. Well do we really need bridge networking? Yes/no/Idon'tcare

Kagesenshi have wrote an excellent guide on this

4. Create some raw virtual image first using qemu-img.

qemu-img create -f raw whateverimage.img 20M *or it can be K,G,B

5. Launch Virtual Manager

Application>System Tools> Virtual Machine Manager.

The rest of the step is just some simple wizard walkthrough :)

Additional information,

If "cat /proc/cpuinfo |egrep "svm|vmx" , is detected. You might want to try on setting up a KVM.

As usual some snapshots

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