Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New year

Time sure flies fast just like it takes to boot a Fedora 10. A lot of things happen this year especially in my bizarre life. Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad. This year had been one of my darkest yet brightess time in my life. Those who really know bout me sure get what I mean rightx2?

So what actually happen to me this year?

> I "finished" my studies at somewhat college in the Northern Alps.
> Won again the I-Hack 2008 in Uitm.
> Got an addictive job as a pentester junkie in SCAN (Credits to my saviour)
> I'm still alive? With all those fats I'm lucky didn't catch any of those critical dreadful disease yet.

All my past experience seems to be just another long long dream. Ah well , to all readers and friends. Happy New Year

My New Year Resolution?

I hope i can still eat a lot.


Irwan said...

Happy new year too :)

Anonymous said...

makan makan makan..
dan makan.. ish2...

klise said...

slamat abes blaja.... taknak open table ke? dem aku discam