Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mounting FTP Server as a filesystem in Linux

My friend float123 who currently engaging with Intel have asked me the
possibility of mounting a ftp directory as a filesystem in a non X enviroment system. Meaning we are not going to use features from gnomefs. Instead we are going to use what we curlftpfs . I
From the websites:
CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.

To install this package in fedora just issue yumming as root or sudoers

yum install curlftpfs.

That's it for the installation now to get things working up smoothly. They are two methods of mounting the ftp filesystem . The first method is using this simple command:
 curlftpfs   /mnt/mountdirektori 

However this method is not advisable on a multiuser platform as the username and the password will be visible.

To avoid this problem we create a .netrc inside your $HOME Folder.
The format is:
login myuser
password mypass

Then u can easily mount the ftp directory :

curlftpfs /mnt/mountdirektori

You can also make it automount each time the system boots up by editing the /etc/fstab /mnt/mountdirektori fuse rw,uid=500,user,noauto 0 0

Some screenshots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hait, a.r.i.g.a.t.o.u~

but, the platform I'm using is not connected to the Net so I believe yum is not an option eh?

anyway, thanks for the tips! this will help a lot!