Monday, September 10, 2007

Hitb 2007 KL 3-6 September : Ret Null

Yatta once again I earned myself a seat in the best event that ever happens in Malaysia . Yeah dat is the Hackinthebox Kuala Lumpur 2007. Meeting various people across the world and exchanging idea .

Lot`s of stuff have been said among the speakers , variosu hacking methodology ranging from physical hardware stuff (SCADA, SatNav, and the arts of Lock Picking). Lots of hacking method upon Java/Javascript your friendly google for getting bugs and lots of other things.

Things also look bright in the CTF area (sadly they aren't any Malaysia who won the game for the past 2 years). This year CTF 0wned by VN Security (Vietnam) team follow by the Wabisabilabi (Zone-H ) and former defender Padacon (Korean). geek00l mentioned " that this one vietname is a god just like rd".. No comment on that from me since i`m neither god nor noobs but rather crap.

Owh well. what exciteds me that I met several folks from the gentoo-security people Andrea Barisani(lcars) and also Danielle Bianco. We talk a little bit on hardening and gentoo. lcars mention upon hardening by jailing with own ip space to give security a little bit pleasure.

Until then, kudos to all the HITB Crews,VLTN,Speakers ..


Tawel Sensei said...


Thank you for your comment at my blog ;). Now I know you are a Linux hacker! seems you are very good at Linux and server stuffs.

<~!@#> said...

Not a hacker laaa. Script kiddes aja