Here is the source in case your ISP or Office or Work block you from viewing the site i think i will quote the whole article :)
Powerful weapons are being studied, developed and deployed on the Middle East battlefield. They are lethal, and meant to destroy the opponent’s morale thanks to a well-known “shock and awe” tactic.
But they do not require explosives, nor they require expensive training to be launched or operated: on the contrary, they’re so cheap compared to the damage they can impose on the enemy, that they are more and more spread every day.
To build these weapons is also very easy: it just takes a few chicks and guys in need of some easy cash, a camera, and a web server.
Western porn sites (mainly American ones) begun to explore the “ethnic sex” market niche a few years ago, but only after 2002 many started to display stories about “arab xxxx”, which is quite understandable from a psycho(pato)logical point of view, given the interest in everything Arabic that arose after 9/11, and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Some of them are even, patriotically, supporting the “war on terror” by showing humiliated, enslaved and helplessly xxxxxxed Middle East beauties. Sometimes they are displayed while being “happily” raped by guys dressed as US Marines, and so on. But those sites were, and still are, aimed at a western audience.
Now western porn sites begin to be published in Arabic language, aimed straight at Middle East audiences.
The largest increase in Internet adoption growth rate since the year 2000 was in the Middle East region. Even in Gaza, it is estimated that 8% of the population has some sort of access to the Internet. Many more are accessing from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, EUA, Lebanon, Iran, and so on.
Israeli #1 porn site statistics show that, in 2007, more than 10% of their visitors come from those countries, even if there are strong censorship-enforcing systems put in place by their governments trying to avoid it.
Of course, we can suppose that many more users from the above countries reach those sites through some anonymous, encrypted proxy service, or via Tor, therefore apparently coming from some western location. By the way, this is a demonstration that those censorship systems do not work.
It’s digital warfare at its best. We could call them Weapons of Mass Distraction.
In the conservative Muslim world, sex is enjoyed as everywhere else on Earth, only it is a private, totally hush-hush thing. To show a female breast in public is a major offence, and can be punished with extreme severity. Sex outside marriage is a crime. Many sexual techniques, which are common among teenagers in the west, are officially illegal in those countries.
The effect of those extremely graphic porn sites, written in Arabic, on a growing Middle East audience, is potentially more devastating in the medium term than a full scale conventional war.
If you get exposed, and then used, to western porn, well, not only your private morality but even your public morality will became weaker over time. You’ll begin questioning the social order, family values and traditions, religion, women role in society, the government, everything: it’s much more effective than a high altitude bombing, indeed.
After all, Weapons of Mass Distraction were massively used against western populations since 40 years now, and they proved to be extremely effective: so it is inevitable that they will be as much if not more lethal when fired against the Middle East culture, traditions and institutions.
Well, this is the sad truth that most Muslim hate to admit. But you got to have balls on yourself Muslims folk. According to Google Research major porn downloader are from Muslim Country which i won`t reveal which and which. There are no points on accusing who is responsible and why this thing happen.
I know some of our friends love to accuse this is the Jews // Christians // Zionism// American / Mafia jobs . They should be blame ."STOP BANGAUING YOURSELF" says Abang Rizal from Take Charge. Yeah we know that maybe it`s them hosting those porn sites but then again why the heck we surf it?
Know this fellow Muslim that once my religious teacher have taught us that in the human we have two types of eyes the Physical eyes and the Inner eyes. Know that by looking things that is forbidden upon us will cause faqir(proverty as in soul). (From Taalim Mutaalim Tatrikatul Taalum at Chapter on Action that cause poverty)
Know this my fellow Muslims that our religion is a religion that requires in depth thinking not just on the surface but also from the heart. Remember that cleanliness is the highest priority in Islam. Cleanliness from physical (Wuduk. Mandi Wajbi, Sunnah wearing perfume, Fasting to clean our inner body, Zakath and Sadakah to clean our property) and also spiritually (Solah,Zikr,Quran Recitation.,Solawat,Burdhah, Simthud Dhurar, Zanji.). All those thing are done to archive high thinking skills and pious heart.
Some may claim hey porn doesn`t does a damage on me . Yeah physically, but it will change your personality. Studies have shows that some of these porn addicted couldn`t adept a normal sexual relationship or worse denied marriage or something like that. Masha-Allah what have happen to them could happen to us. Remember that in each one of us there is a fixed clock which stated 50 years , 30 years and 25 years. This clock is call Ajal. Once we reach the certain time .. that`s the end we won`t have a second chance!!
So I call upon my Muslim brothers and Sisters (oh my this blog is getting a lil bit religious today) to reflect upon ourself. Remember a Muslim strength doesn`t lie solely on their statistic but their attitude and behaviour.