I was working on a side project on an IRH for a certain site. If you got compromised that bad what you should do is ls -lt to find out list of recent files being tampered.
I found out one glaring backdoor which is unlike most php backdoor that I've ever encountered.

Let's rename it to give it a nicer view..
Based on experience you can predict that the final output will contain a function call to either exec() , eval(), proc_open() blax33.
There are 3 major challenges in order to decode the $data properly:
I found out one glaring backdoor which is unlike most php backdoor that I've ever encountered.
Let's rename it to give it a nicer view..
Summary on how this backdoor works:
- Malicious data is stored in base64.
- Upon execution of the script
- The $data will be decoded from base64
- Attacker/Controller need to submit a correct $key_value via POST or COOKIE
- Each byte of decoded data in $data_decode is XOR against ([$key_value + 72670] % 256)
- $data_decode strings will be reversed and inflate via gzinflate and assigned to $data_deflate
- $data_deflate crc32 will be compared agains $data_crc32 to ensure the integrity of the code
- A full payload function will be created and executed.
Based on experience you can predict that the final output will contain a function call to either exec() , eval(), proc_open() blax33.
There are 3 major challenges in order to decode the $data properly:
- Finding the correct keys.
- Any error in gzinflate() will trigger an exception and stop the script from executing.
- Getting the correct crc32 checksum.
Althought the correct keys is generate from ( $key_value +76270 ) mod 256 , It's possible just to bruteforce for the correct key from 0x00 till 0xFF due to the fact that the payload is xor one byte at a time.
I've tried to decode it back in python. To my disappoinment there is no gzinflate function in python but a famous snippet to compensate that is as below:
ungziped_str = zlib.decompressobj().decompress('x\x9c' + gziped_str)
So my watevershit scripting skills . If I can find the correct key I should be able to print out the payload.
But will the scripts work as expected ?
TOPKEK haram nye zlib
I'm still figuring out how to be able to inflate the string without triggering an exception .
The backdoor is duh obviouly a backdoor, It can be detected easily. However implementing a key to the gzinflate value will stop the payload from being executed both by normal user and reverser..
P/S:If anyone can solve this problem it would be nice.
Attached is the link below :
1. Original Code : http://pastebin.com/aLS0NtdZ
2. Label Code : http://pastebin.com/Gg56vLni
3. Half-Baked Decoder in Python: http://pastebin.com/HzgFmgr1
Btw it's May . Stay tune for WARGAMES 2015.
Updated :
Thanks to Syed Mohd Fadhil he introduced two way to handle the zlib error .
Instad of using 'x\x9c' use guide from php2python the equivalent for gzinflate in python like php is
Updated :
Thanks to Syed Mohd Fadhil he introduced two way to handle the zlib error .
Instad of using 'x\x9c' use guide from php2python the equivalent for gzinflate in python like php is
And also introduced a nice try and except block to deal with any exceptionzlib.decompress(compressed_data, -15)
And Walla we have a nice shell ..
Thanks all for the help
Attached is the full link
Bruteforce script: http://pastebin.com/AFDJcUpK
Full Web Shell Code : http://pastebin.com/nmgQwTTf