Budget,bonus,gula,handphone,bantuan,miskin,billion,trillion,gazilion,pendidikan percuma blax3, minyak subsidi blax3, etcx3
What do u get when u compare BN budget and PR Budget?
Answer: It's the same regardless which road u choose. Just +-
From the PPP of our GDP based on IndexMundi
Answer: It's the same regardless which road u choose. Just +-
From the PPP of our GDP based on IndexMundi
The hidden law in economy is that, everything is computable if u eliminate unnecessary human feelings toward any party . When you can compute which means there's a law that can be follow.
We've seen the rise of purchasing power parity grows steady approximation 5% increase per year. There's a bit slop on 99-2000 due to dat depression period but else we see a rate of growth every year. Now some people say it's thanks to BN, DR.M and blax3 our PPP increased .
But from law of exponentiation in economics
But from law of exponentiation in economics
And for the doubling time where rate of growth goes 100% from the initial sampling
And we can see it's true in 14 years the rate of growth goes beyond 100%
What does this statistic tell us? We spend a lot on doing regular things . Forget unhealthy stuff like (radical energy from electronic devices and high calories food) take Gunting rambut for example.
An average Joe (decent malaysian bukan rambut kalerx2 or rambut panjang macam Kage) spend an average 15 minutes at a barber shop. A normal hair grow 1/2 inch per month so for boys , it means 2 month cut hair you continue to cut hair like u did in school, At 30. you should experience at least 138 hair cuts.(Starting from age of 7). Nerveless the price of cutting hair increase exponentially with the doubling time.
Current gunting rambut price average in KL is 10..
Time spending at barber shop: 15 minutes constant .
Do take not unless some dystopia event is triggered. By the time anak Aalim umur 7 tahun . The price for to cut his son hair is roughly rm15 ringgit. and masuk from 2 straight rm30. bwahahha
Sources: indexmundi and some youtube video. Don't care bout crappy grammars aku bukan mat salleh