A colleague of mine asked me to download this flash video from this particular website
So page info yield this particular swf files:
Unfortunately it's just partial part of the movie and it's not completed.
There are two ways to retrive the incomplete part first by using a proxy the second which i found out pretty cool called flasm. which is a yum away.
Using flasm we can dissamble the swf file to see how the swf retrive the incomplete part of the movies.

So we get the list of the missing movie part (swf file). Do whatever regex filterization u familliar with and dump it onto a textfile or whatever method u like at this point. (The important part is just grab the list of the available swf files).
For me i dump it all in a text file called hugo.txt
[yondie@Reinstein hugo]$ cat hugo.txt
One way to download it all
[yondie@Reinstein hugo]$ for i in `cat hugo.txt`
> do
> curl http://www.virtualforge.de/vmovie/xss_lesson_1/$i > $i
> done
And yeah it`s complete