Saturday, August 30, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke 51

Oleh kerana ini merupakan rencana bersifat kenegaraan. Kalam ini akan kutulis dalam bahasa ibunda Tanah ini iaitu Bahasa Melayu.

Sudah 51 Tahun takdir negara ini diserahkan kepada penduduknya sendiri. Tidak kepada negara lain, tidak kita serahkan haluan negara di atas angin maupun di bawah angin.

Titik penjajahan bermula dari Tahun 1511 yang kemudiannya berakhir secara rasmi pada tahun 1957 sewajarnya perlu dingati. Kemerdekaan yang disebabkan kemuafakatan antara masyarakat majmuk di Tanah Melayu perlu disemai untuk setiap warisan anak negara.

Ya, negara kita kini tidak lagi dijajah, tiada lagi Bendera Union Jack terpacak di sana sini dan nyanyian lagu "God Save The Queen" tidak lagi berkumandang di corok-corok Radio..

Akan tetapi benarkah kita merdeka?

Ada banyak pandangan, ada yang mengatakan kita belum bebas dari budaya Barat. Di era ini, mana yang bermanfaat sewajarnya kita contohi mana yang tidak seharusnya kita perangi habis-habisan.

Penjajahan secara imperial mungkin dilihat tidak releven lagi dalam dunia masa kini. Maka corak penjajahan telah berubah daripada penawanan negara kepada perang psikologi dan juga ekonomi.

Bagaimana kaedah psikologi yang ditanam ke atas negara-negara bekas jajahan mereka ini? Mereka mengugut, mereka menyindir, mereka menyelar bahawa kebebasan yang diberi akan memudaratkan kita. Kaedah psikologi yang
ditanak oleh penjahanam penjajah ini sangat berkesan. Kesannya seolah-olah jika dinding penjara dirobohkan, banduan-banduan didalamnya tidak akan sama sekali bergerak kerana di dalam otak mereka membayangkan tidak ada kehidupan di dalam nikmat kebebasan.

Itulah hakikat yang cuba diterapkan oleh penjajah-penjajah ini terhadap pembangunan dan penggunaan perisian komputer di negara kita Malaysia yang tercinta ini. Kata mereka, "Kamu salah kami betul ,biar kami tunjukkan kamu jalan yang benar". "Jangan berkongsi banyak sangat nanti kamu rugi, simpan apa yang kamu tahu diam-diam. Rahsia itu cantik ".Diberi kita latihan percuma, bantuan pembelian komputer , diberi lambakan sijil, pujian, amal jariah dan sebagainya yang akhirnya memerangkap kita di dalam arus perniagaan mereka yang rakus.

Ramai yang lemas dan terus tenggelam tanpa timbul , ada yang terumbang-ambing , tetapi sebahagian kecil mula berani menongkah arus melawan penjajah-penjajah ini . Ibarat cili padi, walaupun kecil kesannya cukup kuat. Semoga usaha mereka yang mulia ini akan terus berjalan walaupun tekad menghadapi dugaan dan cabaran yang pelik-pelik.

Perjuangan menentang penjajahan tidak berhenti pada tahun 1957. Ia akan sentiasa diwarisi dari generasi ke generasi lain samada dalam bentuk peperangan minda, fizikal mahupun kalam.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Enabling Compiz Fusion on my Reinsten

I got myself new shiny rig. A few eye candy effects wouldn't hurt much right? So after a full yum install ccsm, compiz-fusion\* .. i try enabling it for the first time using compiz-manager. Then suddenly the white screen of death appeared . It didn`t actually crash my system but i was taken back for awhile since i had this assumption "Intel 3d drivers works well without any qualms".

Kagesenshi points out compiz-manager --indirect rendering . But it annoys me since compiz manager told me that my card is on the blacklist and it fall back to metacity.

Upon googling , i found out we can actually manipulate an env variable call SKIP_CHECKS . put it yes and all it will skip all the blacklist checking system

so i create a simple bash script and load it on session

compiz-manager --indirect-rendering.

So it works

Running xchat with few prism base apps.

P/S: I'm looking for ways so that each prism apps is connected to different proxy servers. I think it's possible , any ideas?

Good Movie for Puasa/Hari Raya mood

While people all over Malaysia are focussing on what's happening in PP, i start salvaging all my ancient data from my Desktop hardisk (which haven't been used for bout 2- 3 years?) for some good classic movie and i found this particular Korean movie.

I seldom watch Korean movie much. Reason? I think it's crap (either some sick boy meets girl love film or extremely dystopia dilemma).

But a good friend of mine, Intan recommended me to watch this k-movie called "The Way Home". And there's only two main character an old deaf/sick grandma. A rude grandson who is extremly rude.


It's a story about a child who need to live with his old/sick grandma in a rural area. Of course like any of us the child is extremly rude towards his grandma. But the grandma loves her grandson very much even thought she knew little about her grandson desire(KFC,battery,toys and she's also illeterate and mute).

It's really a heart throbbing story and give more impact then the Japanese One Litre of Tears.

review from seoulstyle.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My new lappy. : Reinsten

Here is my old Laptop (Nosferatu) current state:

So what's wrong besides some simple cracks?
  • USB Ports are hazards towards USB devices
  • Just don't work internal wifi card
  • Extreme overheating Proc (Always 89-90 C)
  • Its' Old
So i brought a new one :) from Wadieq during the Convofair

The Specs:
  • 1.86Ghz C2D
  • 2G DDR2
  • 160 Gb Hardisk
  • Atheros base Wifi
  • Intel X3100 GPU
  • A card reader. Yeah we all do cams these days.
  • A webcam !!
Since it's new and pure. So I call it Reinstem (purest in german). This machine comes with Free Dos pre install which is free? Anyway not more then 20 minutes it's already running on Fedora 9 with all services and evil setting load up.

So did i ditch up my old laptop? No way since it's a give from my one and only father whom i love so much .. So it still have it's own value right?

where should i study?

P/S : Dad i return the car next week okay haha.

Updates: I change the name to Reinsten. Thank you all for the good comments :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ihack fever is down . Along came the HITB CTF

Okay so yet we won again the UITM I-hack. So am I happy? Yeah for a while it's a moment of utopia. You got some few gratitudes from your friends, family and even Mr. Rector feels happy with what you did. Even so, for me all of this are illusion of some fake victory.

So why so serious?

I'm seriously worried since winning I-hack means free ticket to HITB Capture the Flag. And for the past 4 years we couldn't do much hardcore hacking inside the challenge due to our lack understanding itself how to debug or how to use tools like IDA and understanding ASM Codes fluently. I openly admit we sucks at these kind of stuff.

Unlike web hacking (which is easier due to the fact that some sysadmin are very lazy or bad website coders). Reversing codes and crafting exploits require skills and total understanding in asm, C and yeah most important parts the compiler. (maybe not)

You can go for training can't you?

Where,When,Who,How? Excluding the HITB SecConf Training, do i really need to wait once a year to go and then i will learn all this stuff in hands by training? Do i need to go inside the working world and only then i will know how things work? Is there any institution/individuals which provides quick crash course on reversing binary that make sense (not just theory but in hand practice. It took us a lot of time to understand the last 2-3 years CTF daemon , which are not easy since we have to read lot of book on disassembling and we still haven't figure out how to write the exploits properly due to poor understanding or maybe grasping the basic concept.

Our wish

So dear lazy web is there any place/people (exclude the HITB crews since they are untouchable for now) for us to go and learn something so that even if we lose again in the HITB CTF , we like to lose it in a more glamorous/flamboyant manner not by default or tapau hidup.x2

//me currently on the process of learning ret2ret pop n ret ... ala malaysian style

From ,

Script kiddies group who wish to level up .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Driver Backup

What's the most annoying oxymoron thing about Windows..

That`s right drivers!!!

Just receive few request from several clients asking me to format their notebooks/Pcs since it's infected with all the latest trojan/spyware/worms .I felt annoyed with these people becausse they don't have their Rescue Cds or Drivers Cds provided by their vendors. When ask where those CDs driver gone? The vendor didn't provide any of those driver. Stupid vendor.

So luckily thanks to the SourceForge i found this cool project call DriverBackup.
It's a perfect tools for Windows user who format their PC occasinoally . How to use it?

  1. Backup your driver using this software first
  2. Format your Windows (pirate or ori)
  3. Dump back the drivers.

Easy isn`t it?

Monday, August 18, 2008

03wning the I-Hack 08

After spending 4 days blasting I-Hack Competition . and the results?

Computer Forensic and Defense .. End results:

1. UTP (Project Tango)
2. UMS
3. UTP(K3. krew)

Capture The Flag Challenge:

1.UTP (F.nord team)
2.UTP (Project Tango)
3.UTP (K3. Krew)


Credits: to Scan Association, especially Brother Hazim, Ayoi, Rinaki, Pokley for creating some creative and exciting question. Those 3 days were fun. Thanks to to the Uitm committee for conducting an excellent event. Thought they were some minor issues but that's okay. I will wrap all of this in one long report or post after this.

P/S: earlier geek00l said we are c*h *i if we lose this game while bearing the mark of HITB. Too bad we sapu abes.. buhahaha

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Red Alert In VHJvbm9oCg==

(This is just an illustration nothing to do with the real situation)

Yeah they did it again, but this time without warning, without any satisfying explanation. So what to do at this dark moment eh?. Here's a guide that should be followed with caution.

Non-geeky stuff:

1. Let's go jogging or play Ping Pong
2. Go on a tour guide, or if someone ask you out to go on mapley hit it on.
3. Learn how to cook.
4. Go to any adjunct lecture, regardless it's related to your course or not.
5. Express your love to the person you like. Well if you get rejected, try try again.
6. Fishing seems nice thought a lil bit pricy.

Technical Stuff:
  1. Like the guru mention change your MAC ADDR.. Obivously daily or hourly!
  2. Learn about mounting encrypted loopback device . This is a nice thing to read.
  3. Set your runlevel to 3 or lower? Reason those monkey don't know what to do if they can't click
  4. It's good idea to create backups and backups of data.
  5. If you on tingkap, maybe it's good time to get infected with the latest worm/trojan ? We can always clean it later using
And to those who enjoy hunting poor guys who wish nothing more for a safe graduation. Here's a an extremely simple instruction what to do if and only IF your system got comprimized by an unknown ultra wiz kids (definitely not in VHJvbm9oCg==) . Pul the plug first.

Friday, August 8, 2008

glabel : The Gnu way of labeling

While HITB is getting closer day by day. There still lot of stuff to be done for example sending snail mail to all government . Me and Kagesenshi spend two nights sorting out all the mess.

What really interest me is there's cool software call Glabel . What so cool about this software is that it can import data from spreadsheets(mainly csv format) So that you don't have to type each person address one by one (That is way not cool).

Wel as usual, it's a yum/apt away