Pidgin (formerly known as Gaim) is an Instant Messenger software that comes bundle by default on most binary based Linux Distrubtion these days. The interface is clean and simple. It supports many IM protocols (MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, Jabber, and also sametime( I think the IBM guys use this protocol).
However most of us doesn't utilize it to the max so here I am sharing some infos what so cool about pidgin.
1. One name for all
Let say Joe have gmail,aim,msn,and yahoo accounts. It`s quite hasssle to view in which account Joe is online. We can group all Joes account under One Joe's nickname. How to do it Right click at one of Joe's and select Expend. Now drag all Joes account and put underneath the one you have expended. This is nice.
2. OTR (Off the Record) Plugin.
Say you like to have some private conversation with someone regarding serious issues. Warfare, politics conspiracy , drug dealing (just a few example), you might wan to have an authentication chatting to ensure the conversation is really just between you and the dealer. It's just a tick away inside the Pidgin Plugin.
3. A Reminder
So you are the boss and you would like to remind your workers to do their job each time they log into their IM. Right click at their name and add Buddy Pounce.
4. Text Replacement
This is a cool plugins for those who prefer fast and quick typing. You can define your own short form and it will automatically replace it with the words that you wish to.
5. Last but not least Psychic Mode
What does this nice plugin do? This plugin will informs you that somebody is typing something g to you even before the sentence are constructed properly. If you are fast enough , you can say "What are you trying to say doc?" And yeah , the reaction never fails to entertain me.
viva la pidgin. There are others plugins but i don't think it's useful in a working enviroment.