Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mounting FTP Server as a filesystem in Linux

My friend float123 who currently engaging with Intel have asked me the
possibility of mounting a ftp directory as a filesystem in a non X enviroment system. Meaning we are not going to use features from gnomefs. Instead we are going to use what we curlftpfs . I
From the websites:
CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.

To install this package in fedora just issue yumming as root or sudoers

yum install curlftpfs.

That's it for the installation now to get things working up smoothly. They are two methods of mounting the ftp filesystem . The first method is using this simple command:
 curlftpfs   /mnt/mountdirektori 

However this method is not advisable on a multiuser platform as the username and the password will be visible.

To avoid this problem we create a .netrc inside your $HOME Folder.
The format is:
login myuser
password mypass

Then u can easily mount the ftp directory :

curlftpfs /mnt/mountdirektori

You can also make it automount each time the system boots up by editing the /etc/fstab /mnt/mountdirektori fuse rw,uid=500,user,noauto 0 0

Some screenshots.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Astalavista release hardening guide for Linux

We all know linux is secured by default. At least that is the initial assumption for those who are new to Linux. However make some dumb permission and you have all your files goes rm -rf /.

Luckily astalavista have publish a paper on how to hardening your Linux system in general. Keep in mind the guide didn't guarantee your system will be 100% secured (it miss certain features such as jailing and SELinux Policy for serious security). Go keep your system safe and secure. !

Securing and Hardening Linux

Returning from slumber

Well things are getting really busy lately so i haven't got much time to spare on bloggings. But within this limited amount of time I would like to wish all of my Indian friends Happy Thaipusam.

Well one thing that kick me out to live today is because after waiting for like eternity, amd/ati finally release the ati driver version 8.443 which works nicely with aiglx.. Well i don't care much bout the 3d stuff at the moment but it have fix at least the multimedia site where i can finally watch movies using -vo gl or -vo xv .. For the past 2 years my faithful rigs can only managed to display either -vo sdl or -vo x11 which consumed a lot of cpu usage and generate we all know Heat!.

I received several mails claiming is there any Download Manager such as Flashget in the Gnu/Linux system. Well it's called Multiget developed by an anonymous chinese guy known only as china_kfc. Basically it possess similliar interface with Flashget. Ubuntu or Fedora users can just yum it or apt-get .

Until next time I probably write something off on the project i'm working on maybe later.