I recalled there's a time you really forgot your password. (Hence you shouldn't forgot something that is so important).Be it either in your Linux box or Windows. Although password is seen to be easily crack or by brute force or smart guessing. It is your first line of defense against malicious attack. For Linux users , it's advisable to disable the single mode booting (a.k.a boot mode single in Debian/Gentoo or init 1 in Fedora/Redhat). the reason. Simply allowing it disable the purpose of security itself :).
Well leaving the security lectures above . Today I'm quite please with myself by obtaining 10-20 passwords from various Windows Box . So parents i recommend Ophrack to have a sneak peak on what;s goin on in your kids PC today.
Ophrack is a cracker tool based on Rainbow Tables and support various LM accent.
Based on my assumption (people tend to put their password in purely 6-8 character of alphanumeric) It shouldn't take more then 5-6 minutes to crack up the hashes (on a 1gighz Intel Machine).
To counter the problem? make yourself an anagram of alphanumeric password 20 character should enough :)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ooo yet again ntfs-3g saves the day
My best friend`s girlfriend just bought a new laptop. Well it comes with FreeDos which is a kinda cool to me but not to the rest out of the geek world. But well since it`s a girl box who loves nothing more then some office software and plenty of space to store movies/animes/songs ... nothing much to be done besides formatting the box with a nice "Ah Long XP Edition " .
For the first 7-8 hours things work well. My goody friends install lots of crucial software such as antivirus, firewall anti-spyware and u can go on the rest to ensure the system is secure (yeah rite ,althought i gave up on those software years ago).
I must say when a girl use a computer .i`m always amazed on how destructive it could get (no offense to all high tecchies from woman around the world) but dat`s the fact that i couldn`t really count out.
After she install just a simple printer driver (Epson C90 driver) things start to trash out. It turn out that the current anti-virus that was installed on her system is behaving like a bratty mother -in-law with some stupid exec dll protection. Which render windows useless and protect the anti-virus from being uninstall.. even in the so call famous Safe Mode.
This stupid mechanism is enough to shed tears for everyone . Well solution i did some stupid ugly ntfs-3g mouting using my faithful Knoppix rescue disk ( heck i didn`t even bother tryin to boot into the fancy gui).
First of all let`s clean up the mess of the disk by issuiung ntfsfix to the respective partition
root@Knoppix:~# ntfsfix /dev/sda1
Next mke a mount point and start mounting
root@Knoppix:~# mkdir /mnt/sucks ; mount -t ntfs3g /dev/sda1/mnt/sucks
Voila now you are free to read/write/append/delete the any files and folder that undeleteable in Windows . (provided u know what to delete )
After all the trouble. the winbox start working like it was suppose to work (which i don't care much ). To all Windows user out there, give us a shout if you are in trouble :p
For the first 7-8 hours things work well. My goody friends install lots of crucial software such as antivirus, firewall anti-spyware and u can go on the rest to ensure the system is secure (yeah rite ,althought i gave up on those software years ago).
I must say when a girl use a computer .i`m always amazed on how destructive it could get (no offense to all high tecchies from woman around the world) but dat`s the fact that i couldn`t really count out.
After she install just a simple printer driver (Epson C90 driver) things start to trash out. It turn out that the current anti-virus that was installed on her system is behaving like a bratty mother -in-law with some stupid exec dll protection. Which render windows useless and protect the anti-virus from being uninstall.. even in the so call famous Safe Mode.
This stupid mechanism is enough to shed tears for everyone . Well solution i did some stupid ugly ntfs-3g mouting using my faithful Knoppix rescue disk ( heck i didn`t even bother tryin to boot into the fancy gui).
First of all let`s clean up the mess of the disk by issuiung ntfsfix to the respective partition
root@Knoppix:~# ntfsfix /dev/sda1
Next mke a mount point and start mounting
root@Knoppix:~# mkdir /mnt/sucks ; mount -t ntfs3g /dev/sda1/mnt/sucks
Voila now you are free to read/write/append/delete the any files and folder that undeleteable in Windows . (provided u know what to delete )
After all the trouble. the winbox start working like it was suppose to work (which i don't care much ). To all Windows user out there, give us a shout if you are in trouble :p
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Installing Ubuntu via PXE
I`ve been dreaming about PXE Installation for quite some times. The chance comes somehow two three days ago when one of my friend bring me an old classic yet still looking good hyundai m-lite box. His windows system is flooded with worms and trojans and the internel cd drive keeps ejecting itself even when i try to boot in a Live CD .
This sucks a lot, and i make a suggestion to my friend so that I want to install ubuntu inside his box via PXE (since the bios also didn`t support boot from external device). As usual people will say yes without question.
I could rumbles all the steps that i used to setup PXE enviroment at the server side but it will be a redundancy so i just point out a few links . and yeah the steps are pretty much the same
Well it works for me as the dumb box support boot from PXE. but what if your system doesn`t support PXE booting? well u can try using Etherboot .. explanation bout etherboot will be done later.. So tired
This sucks a lot, and i make a suggestion to my friend so that I want to install ubuntu inside his box via PXE (since the bios also didn`t support boot from external device). As usual people will say yes without question.
I could rumbles all the steps that i used to setup PXE enviroment at the server side but it will be a redundancy so i just point out a few links . and yeah the steps are pretty much the same
Well it works for me as the dumb box support boot from PXE. but what if your system doesn`t support PXE booting? well u can try using Etherboot .. explanation bout etherboot will be done later.. So tired
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Walking the path of tango
Yeah since our local hacking group Project Tango is dying . I have deciced to create somehow a security blog dedicated for my beloved campus. It's not going to be a real reverse engineering gurus or something that advanced. But just some simple mild topic in order to expose to my friends an introduction to the lore of computing . Nothing much to gain you can all have a look at http://tango.yondie.org
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Rubiks Revolution 21
Besides enjoying myself into computer geek stuff. I also enjoy solving puzzle games especially the Rubiks Cube.
Haha i only start playing it 6 months ago. At first it goes OMG WTF is this cube? Then as times goes by and intensive play i managed to solve 3x3x3 , 4x4x4 and 5x5x5.
Solving the cube is fun! Once you stated you can stop fantasying will there be a 6x6x6 cube 8x8x8 cube or n.....^3 cube? . Well until then instead of fantasying it. You can visual it with the Gnu Rubik Cube Simulator call Gnubik. I think it's available in your distro respective repository system .
Aids toward solving cube link
http://peter.stillhq.com/jasmine/rubikscubesolution.html -Jasmine Lee guide for beginner
http://www.ws.binghamton.edu/fridrich/cube.html - Jessica Fridrich the hottest rubik cube babe solver
http://www.speedcubing.com/ - Info on Rubik Cube Championship / news
http://cubefreak.net/ - Weird solving tutorial from F2L to Blindfold
http://www.rubiks.dk/ - Time yourself
A screenshot gnubik
Haha i only start playing it 6 months ago. At first it goes OMG WTF is this cube? Then as times goes by and intensive play i managed to solve 3x3x3 , 4x4x4 and 5x5x5.
Solving the cube is fun! Once you stated you can stop fantasying will there be a 6x6x6 cube 8x8x8 cube or n.....^3 cube? . Well until then instead of fantasying it. You can visual it with the Gnu Rubik Cube Simulator call Gnubik. I think it's available in your distro respective repository system .
Aids toward solving cube link
http://peter.stillhq.com/jasmine/rubikscubesolution.html -Jasmine Lee guide for beginner
http://www.ws.binghamton.edu/fridrich/cube.html - Jessica Fridrich the hottest rubik cube babe solver
http://www.speedcubing.com/ - Info on Rubik Cube Championship / news
http://cubefreak.net/ - Weird solving tutorial from F2L to Blindfold
http://www.rubiks.dk/ - Time yourself
A screenshot gnubik
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Weapons of Mass Distraction....i think i have to agree with it :(
Here is the source http://www.zone-h.org/content/view/14824/30/#comment_form
Well in case your ISP or Office or Work block you from viewing the site i think i will quote the whole article :)
Well, this is the sad truth that most Muslim hate to admit. But you got to have balls on yourself Muslims folk. According to Google Research major porn downloader are from Muslim Country which i won`t reveal which and which. There are no points on accusing who is responsible and why this thing happen.
I know some of our friends love to accuse this is the Jews // Christians // Zionism// American / Mafia jobs . They should be blame ."STOP BANGAUING YOURSELF" says Abang Rizal from Take Charge. Yeah we know that maybe it`s them hosting those porn sites but then again why the heck we surf it?
Know this fellow Muslim that once my religious teacher have taught us that in the human we have two types of eyes the Physical eyes and the Inner eyes. Know that by looking things that is forbidden upon us will cause faqir(proverty as in soul). (From Taalim Mutaalim Tatrikatul Taalum at Chapter on Action that cause poverty)
Know this my fellow Muslims that our religion is a religion that requires in depth thinking not just on the surface but also from the heart. Remember that cleanliness is the highest priority in Islam. Cleanliness from physical (Wuduk. Mandi Wajbi, Sunnah wearing perfume, Fasting to clean our inner body, Zakath and Sadakah to clean our property) and also spiritually (Solah,Zikr,Quran Recitation.,Solawat,Burdhah, Simthud Dhurar, Zanji.). All those thing are done to archive high thinking skills and pious heart.
Some may claim hey porn doesn`t does a damage on me . Yeah physically, but it will change your personality. Studies have shows that some of these porn addicted couldn`t adept a normal sexual relationship or worse denied marriage or something like that. Masha-Allah what have happen to them could happen to us. Remember that in each one of us there is a fixed clock which stated 50 years , 30 years and 25 years. This clock is call Ajal. Once we reach the certain time .. that`s the end we won`t have a second chance!!
So I call upon my Muslim brothers and Sisters (oh my this blog is getting a lil bit religious today) to reflect upon ourself. Remember a Muslim strength doesn`t lie solely on their statistic but their attitude and behaviour.
Well in case your ISP or Office or Work block you from viewing the site i think i will quote the whole article :)
Powerful weapons are being studied, developed and deployed on the Middle East battlefield. They are lethal, and meant to destroy the opponent’s morale thanks to a well-known “shock and awe” tactic.
But they do not require explosives, nor they require expensive training to be launched or operated: on the contrary, they’re so cheap compared to the damage they can impose on the enemy, that they are more and more spread every day.
To build these weapons is also very easy: it just takes a few chicks and guys in need of some easy cash, a camera, and a web server.
Western porn sites (mainly American ones) begun to explore the “ethnic sex” market niche a few years ago, but only after 2002 many started to display stories about “arab xxxx”, which is quite understandable from a psycho(pato)logical point of view, given the interest in everything Arabic that arose after 9/11, and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Some of them are even, patriotically, supporting the “war on terror” by showing humiliated, enslaved and helplessly xxxxxxed Middle East beauties. Sometimes they are displayed while being “happily” raped by guys dressed as US Marines, and so on. But those sites were, and still are, aimed at a western audience.
Now western porn sites begin to be published in Arabic language, aimed straight at Middle East audiences.
The largest increase in Internet adoption growth rate since the year 2000 was in the Middle East region. Even in Gaza, it is estimated that 8% of the population has some sort of access to the Internet. Many more are accessing from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, EUA, Lebanon, Iran, and so on.
Israeli #1 porn site statistics show that, in 2007, more than 10% of their visitors come from those countries, even if there are strong censorship-enforcing systems put in place by their governments trying to avoid it.
Of course, we can suppose that many more users from the above countries reach those sites through some anonymous, encrypted proxy service, or via Tor, therefore apparently coming from some western location. By the way, this is a demonstration that those censorship systems do not work.
It’s digital warfare at its best. We could call them Weapons of Mass Distraction.
In the conservative Muslim world, sex is enjoyed as everywhere else on Earth, only it is a private, totally hush-hush thing. To show a female breast in public is a major offence, and can be punished with extreme severity. Sex outside marriage is a crime. Many sexual techniques, which are common among teenagers in the west, are officially illegal in those countries.
The effect of those extremely graphic porn sites, written in Arabic, on a growing Middle East audience, is potentially more devastating in the medium term than a full scale conventional war.
If you get exposed, and then used, to western porn, well, not only your private morality but even your public morality will became weaker over time. You’ll begin questioning the social order, family values and traditions, religion, women role in society, the government, everything: it’s much more effective than a high altitude bombing, indeed.
After all, Weapons of Mass Distraction were massively used against western populations since 40 years now, and they proved to be extremely effective: so it is inevitable that they will be as much if not more lethal when fired against the Middle East culture, traditions and institutions.
Well, this is the sad truth that most Muslim hate to admit. But you got to have balls on yourself Muslims folk. According to Google Research major porn downloader are from Muslim Country which i won`t reveal which and which. There are no points on accusing who is responsible and why this thing happen.
I know some of our friends love to accuse this is the Jews // Christians // Zionism// American / Mafia jobs . They should be blame ."STOP BANGAUING YOURSELF" says Abang Rizal from Take Charge. Yeah we know that maybe it`s them hosting those porn sites but then again why the heck we surf it?
Know this fellow Muslim that once my religious teacher have taught us that in the human we have two types of eyes the Physical eyes and the Inner eyes. Know that by looking things that is forbidden upon us will cause faqir(proverty as in soul). (From Taalim Mutaalim Tatrikatul Taalum at Chapter on Action that cause poverty)
Know this my fellow Muslims that our religion is a religion that requires in depth thinking not just on the surface but also from the heart. Remember that cleanliness is the highest priority in Islam. Cleanliness from physical (Wuduk. Mandi Wajbi, Sunnah wearing perfume, Fasting to clean our inner body, Zakath and Sadakah to clean our property) and also spiritually (Solah,Zikr,Quran Recitation.,Solawat,Burdhah, Simthud Dhurar, Zanji.). All those thing are done to archive high thinking skills and pious heart.
Some may claim hey porn doesn`t does a damage on me . Yeah physically, but it will change your personality. Studies have shows that some of these porn addicted couldn`t adept a normal sexual relationship or worse denied marriage or something like that. Masha-Allah what have happen to them could happen to us. Remember that in each one of us there is a fixed clock which stated 50 years , 30 years and 25 years. This clock is call Ajal. Once we reach the certain time .. that`s the end we won`t have a second chance!!
So I call upon my Muslim brothers and Sisters (oh my this blog is getting a lil bit religious today) to reflect upon ourself. Remember a Muslim strength doesn`t lie solely on their statistic but their attitude and behaviour.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Ramadhan . The month of Blessings. Baraqah. The Zekr Project
It`s the month of Ramadan again. This is the month where we (exclusively Muslim) are encourage to increase our ibadah , taqwa towards the Lord of Lord Allah Taala. This is the month where the Iblis and Syaitan are temporaryly be sent to hell and leave us alone . Alone fighting our nafsu (lustful desire). By fasting durin the day we can control our nafsu towards greater good :) By fasting we are cleansing not only our body system but also our soul like being said in Hidayatus Salikin by Imam Al Ghazali where he clearly stated that eating too much is absurd. Also as a students mention in Taalim Mutaalim Tarikatul Taalum (The way of student to become a Scholar by Syeikh Imam Burhan Al Zarnuji or the art of Study for students). " Those who loves eat will loves drinks. And those who drink too much will gain nothing".
Well enough of my preaching for today . Exclusively for Muslim and those who well have a sense of appreciation to the Holy Book that is the Al-Quran software for Linux. It`s called the Zekr Project. Basicly it`s an open platform Quran study tool. The instruction on the website is pretty clear on how to Install the Zekr Al-Quran Translation software.
Another thing is a must is the adzan(calling for prayers) software called minbar. It`s a pygtk software that use variosu method to calculate the correct Prayer time using the Muslim World League calculation , UIS,Karachi (Shafi`i) and UIS,Karachi (Hanafi). There`s a slight khilaf in determine the waktu of Asar prayer between Shafi`i and Hanafi but it`s acceptable and it won`t effect the ibadah at all :)
To install minbar you need the latest libidl0 and libitl0
The minbar binary for Ubuntu can be download at this site
Enjoy the software and may those who seek blessing in this holy month may be rewarded.
Well enough of my preaching for today . Exclusively for Muslim and those who well have a sense of appreciation to the Holy Book that is the Al-Quran software for Linux. It`s called the Zekr Project. Basicly it`s an open platform Quran study tool. The instruction on the website is pretty clear on how to Install the Zekr Al-Quran Translation software.
Another thing is a must is the adzan(calling for prayers) software called minbar. It`s a pygtk software that use variosu method to calculate the correct Prayer time using the Muslim World League calculation , UIS,Karachi (Shafi`i) and UIS,Karachi (Hanafi). There`s a slight khilaf in determine the waktu of Asar prayer between Shafi`i and Hanafi but it`s acceptable and it won`t effect the ibadah at all :)
To install minbar you need the latest libidl0 and libitl0
The minbar binary for Ubuntu can be download at this site
Enjoy the software and may those who seek blessing in this holy month may be rewarded.
Fixing Gnome Setting in Enlightenment 17
Kagesenshi mention to me that something is wrong with my e17. it won`t load the appropriate setting for GTK apps. And OMG this seems to be true. At first my attempt is to just to create a startup program to load gnome-setting-daemon. It turn out not to be a good choice as it will load the whole gnome desktop setting and i wanted to fixed only appearence of the gtk apps.
The solution ? Create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 or ~/.gtkrc-1.21 depends on your system.
Add the following line example
gtk-icon-theme-name = "Tango"
gtk-theme-name = "Human"
gtk-font-name = "Bitstream Vera Sans 10"
It works on me and it should on you..Shout me if there's a problem
The solution ? Create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 or ~/.gtkrc-1.21 depends on your system.
Add the following line example
gtk-icon-theme-name = "Tango"
gtk-theme-name = "Human"
gtk-font-name = "Bitstream Vera Sans 10"
It works on me and it should on you..Shout me if there's a problem
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Enlightment 17 shines my buntu
Since KISS is my moto i realized that by being a minimalistic maniac. We can see things that aren`t seen before and notice the unnoticeable and think the unthinkable. (Sounds like a typical philosophical rantz?) .
So and here i was wondering i want something simple like fluxbox but quite eyecandish like compiz for gnome/kde. Thus i stumble upon this Windows Manager call Enlightment 17 and it still in development folks no official release yet.
To set this think up in your ubuntu box.. put this line in your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu gutsy e17
deb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu gutsy e17
deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu gutsy e17
Next run sudo apt-get update
Then install these whole chunk of package
sudo apt-get install enlightenment enlightenment-dev e17-devel-extras entrance enlightenment-theme* emodule0*
That`s all basiclly. After installation is finish kill your X (Ctrl + Alt + Backspace) and launch you e17 ..
Left click for All menus while right click for launching shortcut apps.
Most of the configuration can be done easily at the Configuration Panel (Left click >Configuration>Configuration Panel) It`s easily understandable. (But due totthe nature i love conky so tend to forgot much bout the Modules)
You can also try all the available modules. Give a snow/flame/rain a try Lol.
Here is my screenshot :p
So and here i was wondering i want something simple like fluxbox but quite eyecandish like compiz for gnome/kde. Thus i stumble upon this Windows Manager call Enlightment 17 and it still in development folks no official release yet.
To set this think up in your ubuntu box.. put this line in your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu gutsy e17
deb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu gutsy e17
deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu gutsy e17
Next run sudo apt-get update
Then install these whole chunk of package
sudo apt-get install enlightenment enlightenment-dev e17-devel-extras entrance enlightenment-theme* emodule0*
That`s all basiclly. After installation is finish kill your X (Ctrl + Alt + Backspace) and launch you e17 ..
Left click for All menus while right click for launching shortcut apps.
Most of the configuration can be done easily at the Configuration Panel (Left click >Configuration>Configuration Panel) It`s easily understandable. (But due totthe nature i love conky so tend to forgot much bout the Modules)
You can also try all the available modules. Give a snow/flame/rain a try Lol.
Here is my screenshot :p
Yeah purchased a domain
Nothing too much exciting. I just purchase a domain ? Yeah in the 90s it will sounds cool. But right now it doesn`t have the thrilling part anymore :) To all readers do keep in touch :)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hitb 2007 KL 3-6 September : Ret Null
Yatta once again I earned myself a seat in the best event that ever happens in Malaysia . Yeah dat is the Hackinthebox Kuala Lumpur 2007. Meeting various people across the world and exchanging idea .
Lot`s of stuff have been said among the speakers , variosu hacking methodology ranging from physical hardware stuff (SCADA, SatNav, and the arts of Lock Picking). Lots of hacking method upon Java/Javascript your friendly google for getting bugs and lots of other things.
Things also look bright in the CTF area (sadly they aren't any Malaysia who won the game for the past 2 years). This year CTF 0wned by VN Security (Vietnam) team follow by the Wabisabilabi (Zone-H ) and former defender Padacon (Korean). geek00l mentioned " that this one vietname is a god just like rd".. No comment on that from me since i`m neither god nor noobs but rather crap.
Owh well. what exciteds me that I met several folks from the gentoo-security people Andrea Barisani(lcars) and also Danielle Bianco. We talk a little bit on hardening and gentoo. lcars mention upon hardening by jailing with own ip space to give security a little bit pleasure.
Until then, kudos to all the HITB Crews,VLTN,Speakers ..
Lot`s of stuff have been said among the speakers , variosu hacking methodology ranging from physical hardware stuff (SCADA, SatNav, and the arts of Lock Picking). Lots of hacking method upon Java/Javascript your friendly google for getting bugs and lots of other things.
Things also look bright in the CTF area (sadly they aren't any Malaysia who won the game for the past 2 years). This year CTF 0wned by VN Security (Vietnam) team follow by the Wabisabilabi (Zone-H ) and former defender Padacon (Korean). geek00l mentioned " that this one vietname is a god just like rd".. No comment on that from me since i`m neither god nor noobs but rather crap.
Owh well. what exciteds me that I met several folks from the gentoo-security people Andrea Barisani(lcars) and also Danielle Bianco. We talk a little bit on hardening and gentoo. lcars mention upon hardening by jailing with own ip space to give security a little bit pleasure.
Until then, kudos to all the HITB Crews,VLTN,Speakers ..
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