One thing i like about tor server is the ability to run hidden services[ssh server, apache , etc] on top of the onion. By using this method we can say we can create a "virtual network services" inside tor that can be link with anyone who is using tor?
Sounds a little bit complex? I notice that setting up tor inside Windows seem to be much more easier then Linux (no offense but i admit i'm quite jealous with the vidalida out of the box).
Configuring tor as a server may not be easy thus i stumble upon this site which is pretty cool.
What it does basicly it will configure your tor setup either you want to use it as client only or both as a server.
I just love anonymity !!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
How much freedom is freedom?
Weekend just went a way swiftly like a silent wind. the LPI is coming nearer and my final exam is in two weeks time. owh wat a day!!! I wish i could turn all the times back but then again wooing won't help so here is my fate.
Living in the age of computing i notice that blogging, forums, , irc gives chances to normal people to express their desire, wishes to the world. From my humble opinion this is good as we can share knowledge and freedom (in some sort ).
Looking back at my beloved country i noticed that freedom doesn't work that way around here :) Many of us are bounded by scholarships , loans, some crappy laws, monopoly and blax3... This is quite sad phenomena. I know some may argues so what it's a win win situation, we give you this and in exchange you give us that. tit for tat they called it. In this case it`s money . The one who owns them always the last winner.
I guess there is no such thing as true freedom in this world
Living in the age of computing i notice that blogging, forums, , irc gives chances to normal people to express their desire, wishes to the world. From my humble opinion this is good as we can share knowledge and freedom (in some sort ).
Looking back at my beloved country i noticed that freedom doesn't work that way around here :) Many of us are bounded by scholarships , loans, some crappy laws, monopoly and blax3... This is quite sad phenomena. I know some may argues so what it's a win win situation, we give you this and in exchange you give us that. tit for tat they called it. In this case it`s money . The one who owns them always the last winner.
I guess there is no such thing as true freedom in this world
Friday, April 27, 2007
Mirroring or Adding your own Repository
One think i favour the apt system is because it's so mature and it gots every type of plugins that i need. Few of them are mirroring the repository and also creating your own repository. Since they are lots of other site that will explain how to mirror and create your own repository i just put the link right here :)
The Automatic Debian Package Repository HOWTO
Setting up your own APT repository with upload support
How to mirror a Ubuntu Repo
The Automatic Debian Package Repository HOWTO
Setting up your own APT repository with upload support
How to mirror a Ubuntu Repo
Thursday, April 26, 2007
My first Gui Dialog Box
Just when back from Penang. the air at the bridge stinks. the food at the island is nice however. Skipping that apart. After a holiday i managed to convert instead of using console mode my apt over https installation is done using zenity. Which i thought pretty cool since ubuntu users tend to prefer the gui over console.
Here is a snapshot of my zenity snapshot.
Now i got this problem . it works with apt-get aptitude but not synaptic. I'm still searching a way so that we can use synaptic + https_proxy. so far i got no luck :( . here`s the snapshot
1.First user will be prompt

2.Next the script will lunch it magics

3. Works with aptitude and apt-get but not yet synaptic
Here is a snapshot of my zenity snapshot.
Now i got this problem . it works with apt-get aptitude but not synaptic. I'm still searching a way so that we can use synaptic + https_proxy. so far i got no luck :( . here`s the snapshot
1.First user will be prompt

2.Next the script will lunch it magics

3. Works with aptitude and apt-get but not yet synaptic

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Vmplayer goes 2.0 Beta
Allright blame me fire me for promoting propitiatory stuff . I hate to admit but the EMC guys have done a good job producing high quality virtualization player.
What's the new features? website it's also be able to support Vista running as (host and guest)
Other features:-
Support 2 -ways Virtual SMP
USB 2.0 Compliment running on Guest
and manyx2 mores.
Here a screenshot running DVL on VM:
What's the new features? website it's also be able to support Vista running as (host and guest)
Other features:-
Support 2 -ways Virtual SMP
USB 2.0 Compliment running on Guest
and manyx2 mores.
Here a screenshot running DVL on VM:
Your life ain't interesting unless this happen!
Everyday , i usually got these question in my IRC log and my DC++ log. I'm not really sure whether i should show this but here is the snippets that i can give you
SF= Some fellow Ahca=Me
[SF] What antivirus do you used and have you got the latest virus definition. Please help me!!
[Ahca] Oh yeah
Hello guys, i've been running linux almost 3-4 years already without touching windows. Why do you expect me have the luxury of knowing each and every windows bug viruses and antivirus?
[SF] Ahca, heroes baru bile nak kuar, AF minggu ni takder orang donlod ke? Tolonglah
[Ahca] ........
I have no obligation to download for the community especially watching some non ambitious people whose voice are damn annoying.
Camni lah tak nak tolong, ko patut ingat dulu ko pun noob gak, dah tau ajar-ajarlah kat orang takkan nak save sorangx2 kut.
rftm /man/google is already there . err just read it?
I have to agreed with what Rice Cook have said(no hard feeling guys):
The universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.
SF= Some fellow Ahca=Me
[SF] What antivirus do you used and have you got the latest virus definition. Please help me!!
[Ahca] Oh yeah
Hello guys, i've been running linux almost 3-4 years already without touching windows. Why do you expect me have the luxury of knowing each and every windows bug viruses and antivirus?
[SF] Ahca, heroes baru bile nak kuar, AF minggu ni takder orang donlod ke? Tolonglah
[Ahca] ........
I have no obligation to download for the community especially watching some non ambitious people whose voice are damn annoying.
rftm /man/google is already there . err just read it?
I have to agreed with what Rice Cook have said(no hard feeling guys):
The universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Damn Vulnerable Linux
As the title says it's a linux distro that you don't want really want to distribute (unless you know what you are doing). This distro is a heavily modified knoppix . Build on top of a broken 2.4 kernel it comes with a lot of holes to explore. There are range of exploits experiment can be test on this distro. I recommended running it on either qemu or vmware. It also comes with range of binary cracking files, basic web hacking challenge and , b0f challenge ( i love this one)
Althought the Blackhat Edition is being delay (some sort of bug in the metasploit package i guess). I think the basic core is just nice. Download it run it on vmware and experiment yourself with lots of classic vulnerable codes.
A good distro for educating ethical hacking i guess .
Althought the Blackhat Edition is being delay (some sort of bug in the metasploit package i guess). I think the basic core is just nice. Download it run it on vmware and experiment yourself with lots of classic vulnerable codes.
A good distro for educating ethical hacking i guess .
Ubuntu Local Repository in UTP
Finally after spending months of experiment i finally managed to hooked link all the villages in UTP to my repos. Basicly what i did is seperating how to configure the repositery for village in my own subnet and other villages which is filtered by our lovelable Network Box (some commercial company who used squid as their filter).
The algorithm that i used is like this for my own subnet :
Client (v5> ---> My Repo ( the end)
The algorithm that i used for other villages:
Client + using apt-method-over https > Network Box > My repo
I'm not really sure why but https did get pass throught the Network Box filtered. Special thanks to surface for pointing me the aliasing. And also Josh Goodall @ joshua for the apt-method-https
More info on howto visit our googlegroup
The algorithm that i used is like this for my own subnet :
Client (v5> ---> My Repo ( the end)
The algorithm that i used for other villages:
Client + using apt-method-over https > Network Box > My repo
I'm not really sure why but https did get pass throught the Network Box filtered. Special thanks to surface for pointing me the aliasing. And also Josh Goodall @ joshua for the apt-method-https
More info on howto visit our googlegroup
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dbhub Startup scripts
File sharing ,wareze anime is common in the local university here in Malaysia . While I'm not really against it, piracy is bad people. It shows we don't have respect for the community around us.
Currently the hottest p2p sharing system in my university is via DC++ . Initially i just playing around with the server file just for fun but who knows what revolution had i made around here lol. I got variou Pm on how the heck did i keep it running automatically? Well the secrets lies in two things. crontab and bash . How simple can you get?
here's the code :
RUNNING=$(fuser -4n tcp "1411")
if test -z "$RUNNING" ; then
sleep 5
save the file as dbstart.
# chmod 700 dbstart ;
# crontab -e
Add this line
0-59/5 * * * * /home/your_username/dbstart >/dev/null 2>&1
That`s all i`m too lazy to eloborate.
Currently the hottest p2p sharing system in my university is via DC++ . Initially i just playing around with the server file just for fun but who knows what revolution had i made around here lol. I got variou Pm on how the heck did i keep it running automatically? Well the secrets lies in two things. crontab and bash . How simple can you get?
here's the code :
RUNNING=$(fuser -4n tcp "1411")
if test -z "$RUNNING" ; then
sleep 5
save the file as dbstart.
# chmod 700 dbstart ;
# crontab -e
Add this line
0-59/5 * * * * /home/your_username/dbstart >/dev/null 2>&1
That`s all i`m too lazy to eloborate.
apt-method-over https
Not having https in apt method is really annoying? The reason my campus monitor the traffic wat goes in wat goes out between each village. Any packet larger then 2mb will be filtered out.
The only option to you can say bypass "but i would say sending receiving large packet in a legitimate way is either using tcp connect or https (http connect) either way it`s the same.
Happily found this cool debian package apt-method-over-https . What it does it creates a drop-in HTTPs packet using LWP tools. And now my vision to create the ubuntu repository is not restricted in my own village but by the whole campus :)
Dependencies required:
The only option to you can say bypass "but i would say sending receiving large packet in a legitimate way is either using tcp connect or https (http connect) either way it`s the same.
Happily found this cool debian package apt-method-over-https . What it does it creates a drop-in HTTPs packet using LWP tools. And now my vision to create the ubuntu repository is not restricted in my own village but by the whole campus :)
Dependencies required:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Customize Your own google page!
There always something new with Google. Back then google' search engine page is purely simple and sincere. No ads and it's simply just a search engine. Some might find this relatively good some might say this is uncool because we need more features.
Now users have been given a choice to choose either the plain old google page or the new ultra customize yourself a page.
Here you can customize your google page with more lots of widgets and tabs.
If you really love google, give it a try
Now users have been given a choice to choose either the plain old google page or the new ultra customize yourself a page.
Here you can customize your google page with more lots of widgets and tabs.
If you really love google, give it a try
Feisty Fawn 7.04 , quite nice
Taada just upgrade myself fron Edgy eft to Feisty Fawn. hurm everything looks the same i guess the feisty comes with the 2.6.20 * kernel series which is pretty cool since i always want the tickless kernel feature.
I also love the way they treat binary glue driver like ATI and Nvidia. User have been given a choice either to download and use the propitery driver or stick to the open source one. In one way this possess similarity to system livna config display in Fedora Rawhide .
Well since i'm not really thinking much bout gui yeap compiz come by default, however what really annoys me is that they still didn`t fixed the 4 static address . I'm quite worried especially if izik paper still works on this by script kiddies level !!!
Oh well i really have fun using Feisty
I also love the way they treat binary glue driver like ATI and Nvidia. User have been given a choice either to download and use the propitery driver or stick to the open source one. In one way this possess similarity to system livna config display in Fedora Rawhide .
Well since i'm not really thinking much bout gui yeap compiz come by default, however what really annoys me is that they still didn`t fixed the 4 static address . I'm quite worried especially if izik paper still works on this by script kiddies level !!!
Oh well i really have fun using Feisty
Friday, April 20, 2007
UTP-OSS booth, a moment to remember 17 April 2007
rom 16-17 April, during the ICT Carnival in UTP, our beloved UTP-OSS group combine with Syntech club have open a booth to celebrate the event. Well we are quite surprise because althought it's an ICT related event somehow our booth are the only booth we computer related stuff! (On our left is the Pizza Hut booth and on our right is a local pizza booth) . It makes our stomach growls all the time.
Althought we plan to put out 3-4 computers to present the juicy and glory of FOSS due to insufficient power supply the only box that we put on to show is Kage Box which is a Fedora Rawhide and my box which is a Ubuntu Ultimate Edition.
As usual, we introduce the crowd with what is Open Source and how does it works and so on and so on. Well the crowd loves to listen to what we have to said but what really catch them is the OOh and Aaah of Beryl Effects that are running on our "tukun box "( a phrase for a low perfomence computer).
50 dvds of Fedora and 50 Dvds or Ubuntu Ultimate Edition are being given for well u can say free.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I`m back
I`m finally back !!! After retiring from blogging for nearly three years , i think i start blogging back. Back in the early days of high schools, blogging seems to be a cool way to show off and stuff like that, but oh well I just start back.!!! Stay tune for more infos....
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