Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Veoh is no longer in Malaysia!!

I'm not sure since when they started to block IP from .MY ? Owh well it creates some unpleasent aura among us. Therefore oh dear what to do?
According to google hack it's possible to use google lang translator as our proxy? The basic format should be:|en&

Since English to English are not supported anymore we change it to fr|en of watever other language available.|en&

Let's find a veoh url using google eg; veoh shipuden and it give

so the link should be|en&

The frame is annoying removing it will reveal

Does it work..?

Well it did load the site.. and I`m stuck at there can someone enlighten me what to do next?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Project Aon: Lonewolf Game

Recently, I`m addicted to Text based RPG game like Torncity It's possible due to stress of life and finding a way to escape from the brick of reality we are facing today.(In simple word stress). D&D sets are way too expensive nowdays,

Playing game like this brings back the memory of my early childhoods days. When an uncle of mine finish his studies in UK, he gives me these adventure/game book called Lone Wolf which is pretty cool. I love the way the game is constructed. The degree of creativity and imagination of the author should be given some credits.

And I'm so happy when i stumble upon Project Aon which aims to publish the books in html formats for free under Project Aon license. Since it's in HTML using pen and paper might not work out anymore . Therefore LoneWolf Action Chart Program keeps all your track in the game which is pretty cool.

The action chart is released under GPL which is good!