Well this is just a persona chronologi analysts by me. A bystander for my beloved campus network. The network activities inside the campus have been very interesting from legal network connection to ethical and educational hacking purpose :) Well let's just say screwing around is bad but the knowledge gains from these network activities are very essentials. Because these weird knowledge makes our campus different from each other . Now almost 4 years have past since i enter UTP and ImHO our network activties are starting to fall apart especially after the ITMS start splitting up the network intravillage :)... If nothing is done this situation might appear :) I choose next semester as my parody chronicle
21 January 2008
New Semester have just started, me and Kage have gone from UTP temporarily. At firs the current IRC Opers just maintain the IRC server as always without changing anything except a few things. At the end of the month things start to crash out.
21 Feburary 2008
It`s been barely a month yet the ITMS took the advantange of the absenst of most admins to change the way they define IP`s for each village. IRC server soon going to fall down as nobody knows what to do as me and kage are out of contact.
21 March 2008
Several students who claim "l33t" tried to setup their own IRC server but it`s based on Windows , cause more bugs more damaged . DC++ is no longer a place to meet and downloads. but just a place to downloads :)
21 April 2008
There is a a war between forum administration each claim they are doing it for UTP sakes. But unfortunately the practice of freedom of speech is not seen at all. The effects? Low post more spams and people who loves to watch quarrel rather than stopping it.
21 May 2008
The Net activites such as IRC service , DC++ are running but with few activities and project. Nobody gives a damn bout it anymore . ITMS took this opportunity to close all these activites once and for all .
Now this situation may or may no go along so explicitly like i stated there. But we have seen the sign of the doomsday of UTP network , eg there are not many people entering the IRC Network, not many Opers have the administrattive skills , and lastly the rise of lechers but no seeders.
Shout off your idea here UTPians